Week of January 23rd
I was talking to Daniel Coss this week about getting a job here after I turn 18. I mentioned to him that I am going to be committing to Ramapo College, and Ridgewood Valley Hospital is about 10 minutes from Ramapo. Therefore, it would be a great part-time for a college student, and the pay is also very well since it is a security job. Therefore, it would be great opportunity for me to save up money throughout college, and gain great experience at the same time. Having a job in hospital security at the age of 18, looks amazing on your resume, and it would definitely be something to be extremely proud of. Not to mention, since money has always been a huge struggle for my dad and I, I could apply for their program almost as a work/study. I would work there part-time, making money for myself, and at the same time they pay for most of my college tuition. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I would be crazy not to pass up the experience, and work!
January 27, 2017
Today as I came into the hospital today it was pretty slow in the Emergency Room. However, after I came back from my lunch break - I heard that someone decided AMA. In medical terms, this means that they discharged themselves Against Medical Advice (AMA). However, after the patient discharged himself he began walking out of the ER doors, then he stumbled and fell over. When he dropped, he hit his head against the concrete ground and continued to lay on the floor as nurses tried to pick him up. Even after the fall, he still continued to refuse medical treatment and asked Vallet to go get his car. It was very difficult to see someone refuse medical treatment, because it could just be because they cannot afford it - which is very sad. But yet again, the hardest part of the job, I would say, is separating your feelings from the patients.
January 24, 2017
 I worked an 8 hour shift today! Sadly, there were two people that came in for a Cardiac Arrest about two hours apart. However, the one family in particular put up a major fight with us. They would not remain calm, and were trying to get into the back by the ambulances. We had to take control of the situation by removing them from the main entrance, and bringing them to the waiting room before we got the 'Okay' to send them into the back. The reason we cannot send frantic visitors into the back for a Cardiac arrest is because they will not help the situation present with their own emotions running wild. It's not an easy place to be in sometimes, because you're like the middle man between two family member - one very sick and the other nervous and anxious.