Finding help in dark places

Today we a little hectic and pretty busy! Sadly, we did have a patient come in that was experiencing domestic violence abuse. It was very sad to see her come in two days in a row. The first day she had a bruise around her eye, and she insisted to the nurse that she had fallen. However, the very next day she came in again as a drug overdose. She was too scared to leave her husband that she purposely overdosed on drugs. The craziest part was that she had about $12,000 wrapped away in her purse because she was trying to leave her husband in a hurry. I left the ER the other day with a heavy heart as the police were coming in to talk with her and take statements, and she was probably terrified. At least now she is in better hands, and the hospital will help get back on her feet again and in better health. That's the only reason those nurses keep pushing, and it's an amazing sight. 

February 10th, 2017
Considering that yesterday was a very slow day, this Friday was completely packed! Since everyone did not want to drive to the hospital yesterday with the icy roads, they all came today since it cleared up. From the time I got there , around 12:20, from the time I left , a few minutes after 3, there was a consistent flow of patients coming in as Walks Ins & through the Ambulance Bay Area! The tension was very high for some people, but it was a very productive day overall.

Not even snow can slow our ER

There was a snow day today, so I actually came into the hospital early around 9am, and stayed there until 3pm! Because of the very bad conditions of the roads, there were many people coming in for MVAs (Motor Vehicle Accidents). However, the overall day was pretty slow because no one wanted to drive to the hospital in those conditions. Ever though it wasn't too busy of a day, it still went by pretty quick! Also- everyone in the Emergency room was surprised when a guy from a local bagel shop came in with about 40 bagels with cream cheese and butter! He surprised us with all the food he said "because you guys are always working so hard, even in terrible conditions like these & you all deserve the best!" It really makes a difference when people like him come in and just make everyone's day, because at the end of each day we are all here working together as a team! 
February 7th 
Today as I arrived at the hospital, there was a mass confusion on what was going on. As I walked in, their was a different security guard manning the post, but he did not have the clicker to open the door or the spectra (hospital  phone) - therefore I knew something was up. As I arrived, the security guard actually had to leave to go help with the situation at hand, so i took it upon myself to go cover the post until I heard further news. About 5 minutes went by, and then the normal officer came back explaining to me that they received a combative patient, and they needed all hands on board to try and relocate him and restrain him. He also thanked me for taking into my own hands to cover the post even though I had no idea what was going on. Then the head of security came out and thanked me as well for not asking questions or panicking, and getting right to the post to help out. 
January 31st,
Today was a little hectic just as any Monday would typically be! A patient came in through Vallet, and he accidentally locked his keys in his car. Therefore the Vallet workers could not get inside the car, or move it out of the way for incoming people. After about 20 minutes of the car running, it started to over heat and started smoking. After the engine started to smoke and get extremely hot, the coolant leaked out of the car and all over the ground. The entire Vallet area was a neon green color, and that could be a very dangerous situation. We had to call maintenance for them to come out cat litter on the coolant that spread about 7 feet around the car. Then the fire department had to come to unlocked the door before the situation got worse.
February 3rd
Before I clocked onto my shift, I noticed someone walking around asking where "Kurth Cottage" wasn't located! Kurth Cottage is almost like a restaurant, but it's like a smaller dining area where they serve breakfast through dinner, so visitors don't have to rely on vending machines for real food! Overhearing the nurse try to give the guy direction to the cafe, I offered to take him there since it was on my way anyways! You have to be able to maintaine and care for your work place, even if you are not clocked on yet because it shows good work ethic. Visitors are already worked up and emotional when they come in, therefore all the help they can get is always much appreciated by them.
February 2nd
Today was a pretty quiet day in the ER, nothing really crazy or out of the ordinary happened! Towards the end of my shift, I refilled the badges like usual and made sure the area was clean for the new guy coming in. To make the badges I have to go on a website the hospital has & click the link "temp badges", then I have to change the details- for example I have to title then "Emergency room -Adult" & then send them to print at "Officer Desk 1". After all of that I just put in the amount that I want to make, hit print, and attach the printed stickers to blank paper badges with clips!